We Create Digital Product

Automation solutions

We design an elegant solution for your automation needs

Effective Solutions

Irrigation Automation

The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that eventually end up in the ocean.

Industrial Automation

The less energy you use, the less pollution and heat that eventually end up in the atmosphere.

IOT Solutions

The less resource you use, the less worry and stress that eventually end up in your life.

“You must learn and do it by yourself”
/ GD Naidu

Our Engineering Principle

“Technology is best when it brings people together.”

At Tealiot we strive to provide technology solutions to benefit humanity. Weather it is an irrigation solution that saves crops and farmers, an industrial factory that protects workers by monitoring and controlling a boiler temperature, or a home automation solution that saves precious family time, we have custom solutions for each environment.

Tailored Advice & Support

Flexible Company Policies

The great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.

  • Industrial
  • Agricultural
  • Home Automation



Succesfull installations



Year Experience






Brand Partners

Our Service

Design and Business development

Financial Consulting

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  • How to imaprove your business
  • Business is the best plan in the world
  • How to start your own Business

Investment Planning

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt pulvinar neque, in scelerisque velit auctor ut. Aliquam nec volutpat

  • How to imaprove your business
  • Business is the best plan in the world
  • How to start your own Business

Relationship Buildup

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tincidunt pulvinar neque, in scelerisque velit auctor ut. Aliquam nec volutpat

  • How to imaprove your business
  • Business is the best plan in the world
  • How to start your own Business

Company Values & The Relationship

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue equal blame belongs.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized.

What Our Clients Think


Happy Client

We are enthralled about Tealiot team dedication in offering irrigation solution that I take care of crops from home in touch of an app


Happy Client

We were looking for integration of our PLC into cloud based logistics application, Tealiot made it happen


CEO – Botberry solution

Tealiot partnership earned us new business opportunities in Tamilnadu region. Tealiot team did great marketing, delivery, installation and service partnership.

Creative Team

We are a Professional Creative Team

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Insights & Intelligence